<VV> VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 187, Issue 29

William Hubbell whubbell at umich.edu
Sat Aug 15 21:46:01 EDT 2020

It’s only negative based on a particular frame of reference.   If your frame of reference is something fixed outside of your vehicle, then, yes, it is negative.  But based on yourself as the frame of reference, it is simply positive acceleration in a different direction. 


On Aug 15, 2020, at 9:42 PM, FrankDuVal via VirtualVairs <virtualvairs at corvair.org> wrote:

That's negative acceleration, since the change in velocity is negative. i.e. 60 to 0 MPH, hitting bridge abutment at speed.

in English, Deceleration is the term we use.

Sudden Deceleration kills.;-)

Frank DuVal

> On 8/14/2020 4:21 PM, William Hubbell via VirtualVairs wrote:
> Technically speaking, it’s sudden acceleration that kills (acceleration defined as change in velocity) - sudden stopping being really just sudden acceleration in the opposite direction of travel.
> Bill
> On Aug 14, 2020, at 2:10 PM, James P. Rice via VirtualVairs <virtualvairs at corvair.org> wrote:
> All:  Speed does not kill.  Sudden stops kill.  Moral:  Avoid situations
> which result is sudden stops.
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