<VV> I don't understand this    my  simple short    explaination

roboman91324 at aol.com roboman91324 at aol.com
Wed May 22 11:34:06 EDT 2019

A weak battery will cause the motor to turn slower than usual when you go to start it.  If the timing is a little too far advanced, it could cause the spark plug to fire before the piston reaches top-dead-center (TDC) and the motor will turn backward while the starter motor is engaged with the flywheel.  This might break the starter nose.  If there was a strong battery, the starter would turn the motor faster and the greater rotational inertia of the flywheel and motor would move the motor along even if a cylinder fired slightly before TDC.  Antique cars that start with a hand crank would generally have a manual lever of some sort in the passenger compartment that would retard the ignition timing for the purpose of starting.  If you forgot to retard the timing, you could end up with a broken arm when the motor kicked back.  Once the motor was running, you would advance the lever and drive off with two good arms.  This inertial phenomenon is why motor ignition is designed to allow more advanced timing at higher RPMs  The motor's rotational inertia is sufficient to move the engine along even though the air/fuel ignition starts significantly before the pistons reach the power stroke.
In a message dated 5/22/2019 7:04:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, virtualvairs-request at corvair.org writes:

Message: 3Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 01:48:23 -0400From: Hugo Miller <hugo at aruncoaches.co.uk>To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>Subject: Re: <VV> I don't understand this    my  simple short    explainationMessage-ID: <8086f62e3c90c4176cd46dc29125eac9 at aruncoaches.co.uk>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
So you're saying kicking back will cause the starter to break, not a weak battery? That makes more sense. Don't see why a weak battery would make it kick back though?

On 2019-05-20 13:56, N2VZD TIM via VirtualVairs wrote:> Try a weak battery start on a std shift Corvair sometime if you have> a starter nose to waste.> Think on it , if the motor starts to turn over way too? slow , has> spark and gas , it will get mad and kick back or grunt.. It does in> starter drives even on other Pre computer? ?cars.. other things that> do in starter noses / drives is timing too far advanced. Trying to> start a warm motor with timing too far ahead will almost always?> duplicate the situation. It will also speed up flywheel failure.> ?So if the car grunts when trying to start ,I would? stop and fix the> problem before it does worse.?If the flywheel is loose enough to do > in> a stater , you have heard it rattle , or even felt the vibration at> certain RPMs.Regards, Tim Colson?>

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