<VV> Powerglide fix: TransX versus Chemtool B12 in a pour can

Larry Forman larry at forman.net
Thu Dec 14 17:15:34 EST 2017

Yes!    Like magic.  Except that you likely will need to drain a pint 
out and doing that is a little difficult to get enough but not too much 
drained.   If you drain too much then you might need to add a little 
tranny fluid with the Chemtool B-12 to bring it up the the full line 
when the engine is running.


On 12/14/2017 1:21 PM, M Stevens wrote:
> Larry,
> Do I have this correct? You pour B-12 into tranny as is, drive around 
> a bit, then drain and fill with only fresh trans fluid. Problem solved???
> Mike
> Sent from my putt putt phone...
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Larry Forman via VirtualVairs <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
> Date: 12/14/2017 12:09 PM (GMT-08:00)
> To: virtualvairs at corvair.org, Ultravan Group <ultravan at yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: Powerglide fix: TransX versus Chemtool B12 in a pour can
> Hi All,
> The Powerglide in my 65 Monza vert. came with a first to second upshift
> slippage for about a second each upshift.   For automatic transmissions
> with this problem I have (thus far) always been successful using a can
> of Chemtool B12 poured into the transmission once I drained out a pint
> or so of fluid.   Then I drive around the block and magically the
> shifting is cured.   Then I needed to drain the tranny fluid to remove
> and replace the fluid.   Otherwise, after a day or a few days the
> upshifting problem returns when the Chemtool B12 evaporates.
> However, I had been told that TransX is specifically designed to do the
> same thing and since it was designed specifically for automatic
> transmissions, I assumed it would work better.    WRONG!
> I tried adding TransX to the Powerglide and ... NOTHING.   For about
> $12, I certainly expected more.   Then I went back to Plan A using
> Chemtool B12 (for about $5) and it magically fixed the upshifting issue
> with a drive around the block.    Since I had changed several pints of
> tranny fluid I will see if I need to drain the tranny as I have needed
> to do in the past.
> So if you have shifting issues with your automatic transmission, try
> Chemtool B12 in a pour can and see if it fixes your tranny.   If you do
> not drain and replace the fluid and the problem returns, then you will
> need to repeat the Chemtool B12 addition and then drain and refill the
> tranny.
> Good luck,
> Larry
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