<VV> Starter switch gremlin ( revisited)

Michael Kovacs kovacsmj at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 21 14:35:45 EDT 2016

 Thanks for the suggestions.
 Now I checked again today and with NO switch in the harness, the bright red lights come on again when the battery is connected. There is a very small blue spark upon connection. So there is no smoking short. Power sneaking around some how.
 The plan is to start at the starter and disconnect the purple and yellow (and big red + cable) wires to try to isolate the problem. I'll continue to trace the source of power till I find it. Pulling fuses are also in the plan. 
PS rebuilt starter from Clarks with new solenoid, and new battery cables.
PPS message sent to Corvair Forum also. To damm hot now to start the process now.

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