<VV> [fastvair] Saginaw transmission case length.

BBRT chsadek at comcast.net
Tue Aug 2 20:27:01 EDT 2016

They seem to be identical with same external and  internal castings. The 4 spd has a drilled passage with dowel inside. Outside has plug. 3 spd case is same casting on inside and out. Everything seems to be the same.


Could be mfg tolerance… 


From: fastvair at yahoogroups.com [mailto:fastvair at yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 8:19 PM
To: fastvair at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [fastvair] Saginaw transmission case length.


Not sure, but the 3-speed and the 4-speed are the same. manufacturing tolerance?


In a message dated 8/2/2016 4:28:01 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, fastvair at yahoogroups.com writes:


Has anyone measured LM transmission cases length-wise? I got different results from a 4 spd and a 3 spd case. Smallest sample size..one of each!

3 spd. 9.65”

4 spd  9.70”

I do not now the GM drawing dimensions nor the tolerance – plus or minus. 

Measurements were made from machined differential mounting face, to front bearing cover machined face of case. 

If anyone has a transmission they can measure, I would appreciate your sharing measurements with us.


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Posted by: Sethracer at aol.com 


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