<VV> Worn Windshields and Rain-X

Dusty Steinberg noahsarkinc at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 25 12:45:24 EDT 2015

I use Rain x windshield washer fluid exclusively, and it keeps the windshield coated, so you never have to manually apply it again.  The lazy mans way of doing window treatments.
Paul in CT

-----Original Message-----
>From: Daniel Monasterio González via VirtualVairs <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>Sent: Oct 25, 2015 12:25 PM
>To: hallgrenn at aol.com, virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Subject: Re: <VV> Worn Windshields and Rain-X
>Thanks Bob but, have you seen a video where they rub with steel wool # 00,
>first and finish with Rain-X ?
>Think I saw it a few days ago in Facebook but, should be in Youtube.
>Daniel Monasterio
>On 25/10/15 09:18, "hallgrenn--- via VirtualVairs"
><virtualvairs at corvair.org> wrote:
>>For those of you with windshields worn over the years by wiper blades and
>>grit try treating them with Rain-X if you haven't already.  A thoroughly
>>cleaned glass surface (thoroughly washed and rinsed first) when treated
>>with Rain-X will bead water on the worn surfaces so that the windshield
>>wipers swat it off and allow you to see much more clearly without the
>>streaking.  Especially useful when driving toward the sun.  If you are
>>driving fast enough you won't even need the wipers as the water just
>>beads up and rolls off.  Like many others, I've been using it for years
>>with good results especially with daily driver beaters.  Of course a new
>>windshield is the best solution........
>>Bob Hall
>>Group Corvair 
>>'64 Greenbrier
>>'65 Corsa
>>'68 Monza
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