<VV> Insight - Flex Plate - 2 or 3 Different Units C Pictures

Scott Morehead moreheadscott at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 22 18:19:34 EST 2015

I've always heard of two flex plates - while relocating all the parts and storing them in the warehouse - I accumulated all the flex plates to be placed on the shelf and I noticed three different design styles - two with holes - one larger than the other and one without a hole. I was curious if perhaps for just the 60 caveman - Possibly a Lakewood or FC or Car deviation or experiment - I thought perhaps possible a military configuration for one of those oddballs things - I do have a NOS Corvair military differential assy that has a few odd balls things on it so I was just wondering if perhaps.  Also thought of someone modifying it but it looks like the factory.  See attached pictures

Best regards,

Scott Morehead
843 - 478 - 4223
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