<VV> My new battery has the terminals about 6 inces furtherawayfrom the engine

corvairduval at cox.net corvairduval at cox.net
Tue Mar 17 17:02:38 EDT 2015

Agreed, the price of battery cables will exceed the trouble of getting the
correct battery that fits. Unless it is an FC or early, there are lots of
choices on the shelf that fit. With the early, there are three choices. The
original group 53, or the small new ones, group 51 and 51R. As JR says the
terminals are reversed with the addition of the R. Choose wisely, as I
forgot which one is correct while writing this.

Frank DuVal

Original email:
From: J. R. Read via VirtualVairs virtualvairs at corvair.org
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 15:28:26 -0500
To: Rnojunkmail at aol.com, VirtualVairs at Corvair.org
Subject: Re: <VV> My new battery has the terminals about 6 inces
furtherawayfrom the engine

You don't need longer cables.  They did not shrink while you were at the
parts store to pick up the new battery.  You need to take the battery back
to the store and get one with the reversed terminals.  Often they have an
"R" after the part number.

So, go see if the parts store still has your core battery in the back room.
Get one with the terminals arranged like the old battery that you took out.
Guess what, the cables will reach again!

Later, JR

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