<VV> 63 Turbo Efi Boost Test

kevin nash wrokit at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 12 21:00:39 EDT 2015

Seth- Actually, there was somebody coming up the road, and I decided I didn't want any spectators behind me just in case
I blew it up!!! I was waiting for them to go by..... and then they turned off onto the road I was on. I have done it your way
also, by the way!!
Kevin Nash
63 Turbo, Daily Driver, EFI
From: Sethracer at aol.com
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 00:53:29 -0400
Subject: Re: <VV> 63 Turbo Efi Boost Test
To: hmlinc at sbcglobal.net; wrokit at hotmail.com; virtualvairs at corvair.org

See - Most people are waiting for traffic to go by, then pull out. When you 
are acceleration testing. You wait for traffic to go by - then you wait, and 
wait, until you see more traffic coming - Only then do you pull out! 
<grin> - Seth (been there, done that!)

In a message dated 3/11/2015 7:36:32 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, 
virtualvairs at corvair.org writes:
BTW...   Good to see that you are a careful driver since 
  you were sure to 
use the turn signal at the beginning of the 

Later, JR 		 	   		  

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