<VV> Original Corvair Stories wanted

Bill Hubbell whubbell at verizon.net
Fri Jul 3 09:28:29 EDT 2015

Do you have an original or largely original Corvair?  If so, please write to me about your car, include photos if you can, and I will post a feature about it on the Stock Corvair Group website. 

Have you restored a Corvair to Factory Stock standards?  If so, please send me that story and photos and I will post that on the SCG website as well. 

I realize that some of these cars have already been featured in the CORSA Communique. That's OK - we would still like to give those stories a home on the SCG website. 

If we get enough stories we may be able to get the Comminique to do another issue devoted to these cars. 


Bill Hubbell
President, SCG

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