<VV> VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 127, Issue 12
vairologist at cox.net
Fri Aug 7 14:02:38 EDT 2015
Gosh Brian, I didn't know you had a race car. GGG
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From: virtualvairs-request at corvair.org
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 12:00 PM
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 127, Issue 12
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Today's Topics:
1. Starter Mystery (Brian)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 15:38:44 GMT
From: "Brian" <bmoneill at juno.com>
To: fastvair at yahoogroups.com, VirtualVairs at corvair.org
Subject: <VV> Starter Mystery
Message-ID: <20150807.113844.28567.3 at webmail10.vgs.untd.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
I need help with a great starter mystery. I have been using a high torque
starter, one of the gear driven ones purchased from Clark's for many years.
About six weeks ago I started the engine in my track car to discover an oil
leak from the case. I removed the powertrain separated the engine and
disassembled it. Had the oil leak professionally welded. It was small. Iit
was one of the oil galleys inside the case. I reassembled the engine and
reinstalled it in the car. Nothing was changed.Same transmission, same
differential, same starter, same everything. When I went to start the car
this starter spun the engine about twice and then there was a loud bang. Yg.
You could actually see it stop the engine in its rotation. I remove this
starter and took it to the local repair shop which has a great reputation.
It was checked out and operates perfectly. I reinstalled it on the engine
which was still in the car. I then checked to be sure that I did not have
the distributor 180? out. Th
e thought was that maybe the engine was firing and trying to kick backwards.
While I was double checking to be sure that the distributor was installed
correctly and by the way it was, I used this starter to crank the engine to
close where I thought number one firing should be. I used the range on the
balancer bolt to turn the engine the last little bit to be sure I was
exactly on number one. The instant I started to turn the engine with the
ranch I could hear a click which sounded very much like the Bendix
retracting . I tried this in number of times and always got the same
results. I then borrowed another one of these I torque starter and got the
same results. At this point the whole powertrain came out of the car. I
separated the engine and using a piece of a differential as a spacer
installed both of the starters . With both starters when power is applied
the Bendix drive comes out, spins the engine but when power is off the
Bendix does not retract. I thought I might have
a problem with the ring gear so I installed another pressure plate. Same
results to add to the confusion I then installed a stock starter. To add to
the confusion the stock starter works perfectly. The Bendix drive those
retract when power is off.I checked the teeth on both pressure plates and
the starter. There are no burrs, nicks or anything else that might prevent
the drive from retracting. At this point I'm confused. Is it possible that
when the engine starts it will kick the Bendix drive back? Has anyone else
experienced this? Thanks in advance for any help.
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End of VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 127, Issue 12
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