<VV> 60 starters
MarK Durham
62vair at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 11:59:50 EDT 2015
Trey, before you go to the expense of replacing the starter, remove it from
the car then try to make it work sitting on the bench with jumper cables.
If it works fine, then look for circuit issues in the car. If you do not
want to test the starter yourself, most FLAPS will test for you on a bench
tester. That way you know what you have.
The reason I say this is the starter reacts to what it gets. you might have
a full 12 volts thru the big cable, however, if the starter control
circuit, which I think works thru the HRPT connection at the firewall, also
has to run clear up thru the ignition switch under a fairly high current
load and the real issue might be in that circuit.
Also, if it is the starter circuit, not the starter, Clark's has a relay
kit that keeps the high amp circuitry close to the bettery and starter and
makes the ignition switch circuit a low amp cpnttrol circuit.
I had similar issues on the 62 I had, ended up repairing the connections at
the firewall (HRPT) replacing the ignition switch, and installing the
Clark's relay kit. Never had any problems with starting after that.
Mark Durham
Hauser, Idaho
62 Monza coupe Red/Red 4 speed
On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Trey Bosson via VirtualVairs <
virtualvairs at corvair.org> wrote:
> recently bought a 60 500 coupe, started fine when purchased, now only
> clicks when trying to start, checked battery connections and charged the
> battery, same results checked auto zone and napa for starters cannot get,
> ? who has em trey bosson Wellsville ny 585.593.5953
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