<VV> Belt Tensioner Tool
Sethracer at aol.com
Sethracer at aol.com
Sat Sep 20 13:04:02 EDT 2014
What is this one, then?
It is used for the idler. Works great. - Seth
In a message dated 9/20/2014 9:28:45 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
virtualvairs at corvair.org writes:
That's the one.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven J. Serenska [mailto:corvair at serenska.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 12:07 PM
To: Harry Yarnell (Verizon); corvair
Subject: Re: <VV> Belt Tensioner Tool
Actually, your answer helped because I hadn't noticed that Clark's was
describing this as a Carb & Pulley wrench. I'm thinking this must be it:
On 9/20/2014 12:02 PM, Harry Yarnell (Verizon) wrote:
> I'm going to assume the wrench Cal sells is the old John Moody 'bent
> wrench'.
> Back in the day, John would show up at corvair shows with a huge ring
> of these custom made wrenchs looking like an old western jailer with a
> huge ring of jailhouse keys.
> John's no longer with us, but the wrench he had was a Craftsman 9/16 x
> box wrench bent to get to those pesky idler nuts and lower carb nuts.
> Worked great. I've got one in each of my Corvairs. I don't know if
> Clark's is having someone else bend these wrenchs, or if he's just run
> out of inventory.
> At any rate, a standard 9/16 box wrench will work in your situation;
> just more difficult.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: VirtualVairs [mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf
> Of Steven J. Serenska via VirtualVairs
> Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 11:49 AM
> To: virtualvairs
> Subject: <VV> Belt Tensioner Tool
> VVers:
> I heard some squealing last night from the engine compartment of my
> '65 Monza 110 this morning. I looked and saw that the belt seems very
> loose while the engine is running. It looks like it's abnormally
> expanding contracting and trying its best to jump the pulleys on top of
the shroud.
> The belt also squeals when you tap the throttle with the car in neutral.
> I'm thinking that I'm on my way to throwing a belt if I don't tighten it
> This thread (http://corvaircenter.com/phorum/read.php?1,502927,503056)
> on the Corvair Forum mentions the use of a belt wrench sold by Clark's.
> I just searched Clark's website but can't seem to find it. The
> questions I have are:
> 1) Does anyone know the Clark's part no. or page in the catalog where
> this wrench is located?
> 2) Is this wrench really "mandatory" as one post-er said? I have to
> think the answer is 'no' since people managed to do this before the
> wrench tool was invented.
> 3) Are there any other insights?
> This doesn't seem like rocket science, but I threw my first ever belt
> on a Corvair a few months ago so now I'm a little skittish.
> Thanks in advance for all replies.
> Steven "likes a good belt now and again" Serenska
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