<VV> Fitch Engine - carb problems
J. R. Read
hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 1 11:46:45 EDT 2014
And that "something" is very likely still floating around in the carb - just
waiting for a chance to cause the same problem all over again. The hand
over the carb with the engine revved will generally get you going again
along the roadside - so that you are running on 6 instead of 3 cylinders.
You really need to refresh the carbs - maybe over the winter? A good kit is
GP-Sorensen - part #96-116E. It includes a new accelerator pump with the
cup pre-installed.
Oh, that "something" in the carb... Likely part of a disintegrating
accelerator pump cup OR from the rubber portions of the main fuel line from
the tank OR possibly even a small piece of dirt that got past the air
cleaner. Make sure the rubber portions of your main fuel line can stand up
to our modern fuel formulations. The older rubber will not stand up to the
ethanol laden gasoline.
Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth Schifftner via VirtualVairs" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 4:56 AM
Subject: <VV> Fitch Engine
> Gang:
> I recently helped a club member get their 140 hp engine running...similar
> symptoms as Michael described. The driver's side primary would not
> respond to mixture adjustments or idle speed changes. I made sure the
> secondaries were fully closed...they were. The engine was knocking and
> rocking. The engine had recently been rebuilt but not the carburetors.
> The driver's side primary carburetor choke would not open....right side
> OK. Thinking the choke needed adjustment, I tried to adjust the choke on
> the driver's side to no avail. Then club member Steve Calandra said to
> check the exhaust temp...cold on that side (engine has dual exhaust). I
> removed the idle mixture screw completely. Noticed that when the engine
> was running, there was no hiss at the idle mixture screw port. I tried to
> spray carb cleaner into the port but the liquid shot back at me, even with
> the engine running. I then held my hand over the carburetor inlet and
> blipped the throttle....on about the 5th or 6th try....finally hiss. I
> sprayed in more cleaner,,,,,this time the cleaner (mostly) went in. The
> choke started to open...I then replaced the idle mixture screw and got
> idle mixture control back as well as idle speed. As that suddenly heated,
> the choke opened. I then balanced the primaries using the Dwyer gauge.
> Smooth running engine. Something must have
> blocked the idle mixture pathways in the carburetor.
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