<VV> PRICE LIST ATTACHED Re: Corvair Parts Estate Sale (9/29) Many Speed Parts [1 Attachment]

Tom Hughes corvairdad at gmail.com
Mon Sep 23 16:28:29 EDT 2013

Here is the promised price list. I hope I have priced parts attractively
enough so they can quickly find new owners this Sunday. Note that items
crossed out are not available anymore since they have recently been
purchased by Baltimore CORSA members - it was Rich's wish that local club
members be given first chance at his collection. I did not have the time to
open all the boxes, so condition of parts inside boxes is assumed GOOD
USED. Prices are each unless otherwise stated. I'm sorry, but I will not
have access to the parts again until Sunday morning so please don't ask me
about condition or part numbers since you now know what I know via the
attached list and the

Thanks and hope to see a good turnout Sunday between noon and 4. As per
previous e-mails, reply with a request for the address so I have some idea
of how many folks we can expect.

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