<VV> stolen/recovered '61

Jay Maechtlen jaysplace at laserpubs.com
Thu Sep 19 01:52:37 EDT 2013

Ok, I'd better update everyone.
I fixed the cooling system, fired it up, and didn't like the sound of 
things. The motor seemed noisy, and the coolant seemed fizzy, like it 
had a blown head gasket.
I filed a claim, the adjuster came and looked at it, but wanted an 
independent evaluation of the motor.
(They would reimburse the cost)
I had a mobile mechanic come out and look at it. He tested the coolant, 
and listened to the motor from top and bottom. The verdict?
No combustion gases in coolant - head gaskets are fine.
The noise that was scaring me? Has quieted some, is blamed on lifter.

Summary - looks like it is ok. Cleanup proceeds, should have it together 
and back on the road Thurs/Fri.

And I need to figure out some anti-theft measures.
Thanks for the interest and support.
Jay Maechtlen SoCal '61 2-dr modified w/fiberglass skin, transverse 3.8 
Buick V6 TH440T4 trans

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