<VV> Ralphie is at it again....
Marc Marcoulides
hharpo at earthlink.net
Mon May 13 14:20:36 EDT 2013
I think it is a good idea to replace the hoses on the heater about every 3 years. Some Corvair owners neglect this as it means getting under the car (unless you have rotessarie)
I consider it maintanence, much like looking at brake pads/shoes
-----Original Message-----
>From: Ramon Rodriguez III <corvairgrymm at gmail.com>
>Sent: May 13, 2013 11:12 AM
>To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Subject: <VV> Ralphie is at it again....
>I complain, but really I love the fact that there is so much Corvair
>misinformation out there. It makes for good conversation! This one is
>really annoying because Nader should really know better by now. What
>really got me was this line:
>"Moreover, as GM admitted in a belated public recall, Corvairs emitted a
>risky amount of odorless carbon monoxide from their heater exchange system
>during cold weather."
>Yes, I keep a carbon monoxide detector in my Corvairs for safety but I've
>never had one go off and as far as I know this is something that "can"
>happen but is pretty rare. I can't imagine that any significant number of
>Corvairs developed exhaust manifold leaks during their normal service life.
> I believe they used asbestos and that is good stuff. The Corvairs I drove
>the most in cold weather were neglected beaters. Oil smoke yes, exhaust in
>the heat, never happened to me. Maybe there is something I don't know that
>justifies that line, please let me know if that is the case.
>On that note I'm annoyed with less well informed Corvair lovers who say
>that the "problem" was solved on later models rather than that the
>"problem" (the rollover problem that is) never existed.... but I also
>remember telling people that myself ten years ago. We should all know
>better than to repeat what we hear and/or read without checking the facts
>first, but it's a trap nearly everyone falls into on a frequent basis.
>Ray Rodriguez III
>Certifiable Vair Nut
>Lake Ariel, PA
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