<VV> Can someone help a stranded Ultravan owner in Santa Barbara at Elings Park?
Daniel Monasterio González
dmonasterio at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 16 22:23:22 EDT 2013
When you say stripped,does it mean that the yoke turns on gear but, not
the axle ? If so, the yoke lost it's splines as it is much softer than the
axle. Been the case you'll need the yoke only.
Unfortunately, I'm too far (Guadalajara, Mexico) but, you can check the
roster and ask for the axle yoke.
Good luck.
Daniel Monasterio
On 16/03/13 20:01, "Tony ." <ultravanman248 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>Ugg.. We're stuck in Santa Barbara heading home from a couple of great
>days camping at the beach.
>Total fluke too. Turned a sharp corner heading up a steep parking lot and
>stripped the axle where it hooks into the diff.
>Does anyone have an idea on we can get a couple parts in, or around,
>Santa Barbara tonight or tomorrow morning morning?
>Looking for early 60-62 axle with decent bearing. (60-62 early bearing)
>-1 axle yoke and ideally the special bolt with washer.
>PS, we at Elings park.
>If you are able to help please email: brian AT spatiallyenabled DOT com
>Thank you, Tony
>Getting closer to our dream of having an Ultra Van museum.
>We are blessed to have: UV248, UV256, UV362 and UV512-V8.
>We are planning to have UV520-Toronado delivered in 2013.
>KEEP the Ultravan ALIVE!!
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