<VV> LM - windshield & backligh sealer/adhesive
Bryan Blackwell
bryan at skiblack.com
Fri Mar 8 19:17:42 EST 2013
On Mar 8, 2013, at 4:25 PM, Kinzelman, Andy wrote:
> I am going to help another Corvair guy install a windshield and backlight into his LM coupe. I have access to rectangular cross section sealer/adhesive strips.
> Does anybody have a recommendation for the size to use? My glass guy thinks he recalls we used a 5/16" for the windshield and backlight; but that the backlight may have fit better with a 1/4" thick strip.
> Thanks,
> Andy K.
Frank DuVal wrote the following some time ago, you may find it helpful:
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Frank DuVal <corvairduval at cox.net>
> 1. Spacer blocks that come with butyl kits are a "one size to fit all applications" that is supposed to be cut to fit your particular application. If you are just changing a windshield, then just use the old blocks or use them as a pattern to cut the new blocks. Of course most of us here on VV threw those old blocks away a year or two ago when the car came apart for restoration. <ggg>
> 2. NEVER *****Never**** NEVER !!!!! push, press, pry, touch glass with a metal object. There are plastic tools available one can use if there is a perceived need to pry glass into position. Like the "putty stick" on the web site: http://www.dominionsureseal.com/Products.asp?catid=26&page=3 Most windshield warehouses give these away free.
> I find most windshields just set in place can be moved a little bit by placing one hand on the inside and the other on the outside of the glass (long arms help reaching through the rolled down door windows). Of course sliding the glass tighter against the rubber block will get you nowhere.
> 3. You can measure the opening top to bottom and side to side in a straight line and then measure the straight line dimensions of the glass and see how much space you need to allot to each side. Also putting a mark in the center of the bottom of the glass and the cowl will help initial placement.
> 4. If the glass is too far out then either you used too big a butyl tape or you haven't bedded the windshield in far enough. Press only on the glass where the tape is behind the glass. The tape can usually be compressed down 3/16". If it is a used windshield and there is ANY chip along the edge, this is when the crack will show up. The hotter the tape, the more compressable it is. Windshield installers used to keep the 3/8" tape on the defroster ducts in the winter so they could stretch it to whatever size they needed!
> 5. You can measure the thickness of the glass, as they do vary from way back when to now. Then measure the depth of the pinchweld and the depth of the trim and make your best guess of the thickness of butyl tape to buy. Typically 5/16" for older thick glass and 3/8" for new thin glass.
> 6. I know this is not stock, but I usually just use heavy bodied urethane sealant now to set glass, just like the assembly lines do. This does require practice!
> Frank DuVal
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