<VV> Convention

John Cole colejohn at wildblue.net
Tue Jul 16 21:54:50 EDT 2013

Today was the official first day of the convention.

I can’t report on the valve cover racers as I skipped out on those.  As I am a member of the host club I have been running around taking care of things instead of participating in everything so my perspective may be a little different.

What I would consider the highlight of the day was the brake tech session.  Two cars were pulled under the tent and side-by-side demonstrations were done.  Ken Hand converted the ‘65 Corsa of Dave Dykwell to a dual master cylinder.  The demonstration was good in that many saw the value of bench bleeding the master cylinder and making sure that the lines had fluid in them so as to avoid bleeding at the wheel cylinders.

The other (and first) demonstration was Michael LeVeque converting the front brakes on Steve Ridderman’s car to disc brakes.  This was demonstrating Michael’s kit.  A few little details caused some issues, but dealing with those taught those watching about patience and how to handle the unforeseen issues.

There was an attempt to record the session so as to make DVDs available.  However, there were a few issues with the camera.  

The weather has been hot.  Fortunately the hotel is air conditioned and provides relief.  We have had a lot of visitors in the hospitality room.  

Tomorrow is concours.  I will be at the hotel in the hospitality room to start the day.  If I can get out the concours I may have a few pictures to post.


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