<VV> [fastvair] knock eliminator plus ignition system

Ramon Rodriguez III corvairgrymm at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 19:58:25 EDT 2013

Copying this to both groups as it touches on discussions I was having on

As for the hesitation on transition to secondaries I found that my 65 140
linkage was binding due to a bad spring clip.  That problem is fixed and
all I'm left with is a drivers side secondary actuator rod that hangs a
bit.  I think it is probably not the correct rod.  Works fine but doesn't
always go immediately back to closed throttle when the pedal is released.

On the ignition system troubleshooting I've pretty much confirmed that the
"good" coil I was using for testing is somewhat cooked.  I noticed that
when I shake it the oil sloshes around quite a bit inside.  This is a
standard FLAPS coil.  I will replace with a better unit and relocate for
longer life.  I think this coil was unwittingly run without ballast
resistor for some time as I didn't know anything about early models when I
installed it and didn't know it was missing.

I'm still waiting to make a decision on what ignition system to use for my
street/track car... a few good options have been mentioned.  I might start
with the least expensive "good" option (a NOS electronic ignition setup
that was offered to me by a member for a great price) and see what I get
unless someone really strongly encourages me to go with something else

If I go a little cheap on the ignition system and sell off the Carter Knock
Eliminator I can put that money toward the Snow Performance water

Thanks for all the help!

Ray R.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 6:53 PM, <JVHRoberts at aol.com> wrote:

> **
> HEI is always a good choice. VERY hot spark, reasonable price, and
> readily available, high volume parts. I've never found the stock ignition
> system to be worth much for high perf (especially turbo) applications.
>  John Roberts
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Schug <bwschug at att.net>
> To: fastvair <fastvair at yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 11:26 am
> Subject: Re: [fastvair] knock eliminator plus ignition system
>  What is your compression ratio? With a 140 and a properly set up
> ignition system it doesn't seem like you'd need water injection.
>  On Aug 13, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Ramon Rodriguez III <corvairgrymm at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Ok, let me rephrase then since I don't know much about different
> ignition systems =)
> What would be my options for ignition systems that would work with the
> Carter Knock Eliminator and would it be worth doing? I do have
> trouble with pinging on really hot days, but I also have an old
> Clark's water injection setup I plan to install which will likely
> eliminate the need for the knock sensor.
> A really good water injection system (pricey) is on my list of
> expensive upgrades I want..... fairly high on the list actually....
> so I can figure this into my decision on ignition options as well.
> http://www.snowperformance.net/stage-2-boost-cooler-n-a.html
>      Bruce
>  Bruce W. Schug
> Membership Chair,
> CORSA South Carolina
> CORSA member since 1980
> '67 Monza, "67AC140"
> bwschug at att.net
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