<VV> Bleeding brakes on '61

Ken Clark kcvair at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 11 20:26:33 EDT 2013

Is there anyone that can help with the brake bleeding problem I'm having on my '61 Lakewood.  I've had the master cylinder out 3 times, been rebuilt and well cleaned and bench bled.  However by using my suction tool I'm able to get fluid,  and manually pushed brake pedal with valve open and closed properly,  but no results as far as getting a good solid brake pedal.  Actually still goes to the floor.  I've gone over the suggestions that were in the Corsa Communique recently, but did not try all of them.  Any ideas, or help would be appreciated.My son has a '61 also we're having the same problem with.  The master cyl. on the '61 models are different and not the type I'm used to as I've done later models many times with no problems.  I'm will to try almost anything to get this problem solved.  Ken Clark 		 	   		  

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