<VV> EM ignition lock & key

corvairduval at cox.net corvairduval at cox.net
Thu Oct 25 10:41:57 EDT 2012

When new, you could not lock the ignition switch without the correct key.

Now with 50 years of wear, it can be possible to have a close cut key that
can lock the cylinder and not readily unlock it. But with lube (graphite)
and wiggling, it should unlock it again.

The best is to try the key and have a paper clip at the ready. When the
lock turns to "lock", insert the paper clip and keep turning CCW. Pull out
the cylinder and look at the 4 digit number. WIth that number a locksmith
with old data, or myself, can tell you what the key cuts should be or make
you a code cut key that will work great.

Frank DuVal

Original Message:
From: Kinzelman, Andy akinzelm at greatnortherncorp.com
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 07:30:20 -0500
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: <VV> EM ignition lock & key

I have a 64 that has been sitting a while.  The ignition is not locked. 
Although I am certain I have a key somewhere - is there any way I can be
certain I have the correct key in hand without locking the ignition?  That
is, would the wrong key allow me to put it into lock than not allow me to
unlock it again?
Andy K.

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