<VV> My Bad Corvair Story

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Fri Oct 19 21:28:28 EDT 2012


One of the reasons for no mention of a pcv valve is that they are only 
used on two years of car production (62 & 63).

Not an excuse, just a reason...

Frank DuVal

OK, let me edit this before the experts do, they were also used on 64-65 
cars with AC and 62 to 65 FCs. I know Clark's says they also fit 61 
models, but all the cars and FCs around here had road draft tubes for 60 
& 61.

On 10/19/2012 4:38 PM, Mark Durham wrote:
> snip
> One of the positives was that no one on any of the forums I could find
> mentioned a PCV valve being the probable air leak, it took me awhile to
> think of it on my own.

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