<VV> Roof rack installation
Frank DuVal
corvairduval at cox.net
Sun May 27 10:37:46 EDT 2012
Robert, that UK site just has riv-nuts without sealer. They do a very
good job of holding, just need some sealer applied to keep water out of
the car interior. Well-nuts self seal. Although I usually add some
silicone sealer to the threads. A belt and suspenders guy.
Ron, do paint the hole after drilling. Rust will start at any unpainted
exposed area. Hmm, here in the east rust starts on any unpainted area,
even unexposed!
Frank DuVal
On 5/27/2012 7:46 AM, Robert Jennings wrote:
> http://www.butlerfasteners.co.uk/fasteners_fixings/sheet_metal_fasteners/rivnuts.html
> Robert Jennings
> 317 Division St
> Morenci, MI 49256
> 517-458-1586
> rjennings at cass.net
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