<VV> [fastvair] Engine Cooling

Dave Keillor dkeillor at tconcepts.com
Wed May 23 17:33:47 EDT 2012

For sure. I guess that 's ur warning.

Dave Keillor
On May 23, 2012 4:09 PM, <JVHRoberts at aol.com> wrote:

> **
>  For one thing, at those head temps, these engines will detonate like
> crazy!
>  John Roberts
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Keillor <dkeillor at tconcepts.com>
> To: Virtual Vairs <virtualvairs at corvair.org>; fastvair <
> fastvair at yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 10:59 am
> Subject: [fastvair] Engine Cooling
>  It's clear that GM knew that the high performance engines (turbo and
> 140)  had a tendency to overheat.  They discovered this, no doubt, during
> pre-production testing.  The logical thing to have done would have been to
> improve the cooling, but that would have cost time and money.  Instead,
> they took the cheap and easy way out, and simply increase the actuation
> temperature of the snap switch from 525F to 575F for those engines (and AC
> cars).  Out of sight, out of mind.  If 575F is a safe operating limit for
> the high performance and AC cars (it isn't!), why isn't it safe for the
> other cars?  It costs money to use two different part numbers.
>  The use of a 575F snap switch is, in my opinion, the single biggest
> reason for the high rate of dropped seats in the 140 engines.  You can run
> your 140 at 570F (which, in my opinion, is quite overheated) for long
> periods and for multiple cycles and never know it.  The turbos at least had
> a CHT gauge.  525F is unreasonably high, but 575F is ridiculously high.
>  Clearly, GM knew that the high performance engines ran hotter, but felt
> that setting the over-temperature indication just short of meltdown was a
> satisfactory solution.
>  --
> Dave Keillor
>     __._,_.___
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