<VV> Vair Fair

Bill Hubbell whubbell at verizon.net
Wed May 23 07:25:50 EDT 2012

Your "queasy navigator" was busy reading directions and clues while you were "sedately" taking the Blue Ridge curves at about 60 mph!  Once I stopped looking down at the papers and started looking at the road I was fine. Oh yeah, we DID win that rally based on correct answers, not time. 

Next time I'M driving!!!!  LOL!


On May 22, 2012, at 10:48 PM, Doug Mackintosh <dougmackintosh at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I topped off my tank today, so now I know my mileage returning from the Vair Fair. I averaged 24.4 MPG, which includes some mixed driving, 5 autocross runs, and the 146 mile return (admittedly downhill) from Lexington, VA to South Boston, VA. Not quite the 25.3 MPG I averaged going up and driving the rally (where I made my best effort to drive sedately in deference to my queasy navigator, Bill Hubbell). Still, not bad. Maybe I should have gone faster in the autocross!
> -- Doug Mackintosh
> Corsa member since 1996
> Corsa/NC member since 1996, Virtual Vairs member
> Corvair owner 1969-1971 and 1996-on
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