<VV> How On Earth Do You Remove A 64 Spyder Generator?

Ken Maxwell kobramax at insightbb.com
Sat Mar 24 19:14:53 EDT 2012

Hi Guys,
First of all, I want to thank everyone who responded with helpful
suggestions on my generator light problems on my 64 Spyder last week. I now
have installed 4 original T-3 headlights to replace the halogens and a new
dimmer switch has been installed. The regulator checks out but the generator
reads zero in all tests.
No problem, I thought. I have a guy who can rebuild it but then I tried to
take it off and ran into a brick wall. What was Chevy thinking? The fan on
the generator prevents me from removing the rear bolt and I can't even get a
wrench on the front one! I assume I have to somehow remove the fan from the
generator first, but how do I do that? Are the threads on the big nut
holding it on regular or reverse? How to I hold the generator to keep it
from spinning when I try to loosen the nut? Is the fan pressed on when I get
the nut off? Will I have to remove the oil pressure switch? What a mess! It
really makes me appreciate the relative ease of removing a late model
alternator! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Ken Maxwell
Louisville, KY
64 Spyder Coupe
69 Monza Convertible

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