<VV> Workshop One week away - Still time to register

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Fri Mar 16 11:43:43 EDT 2012

Pardon me for re-sending this info. For those who might have missed it. It  
is time to register for the workshop, and sign up for the LeVair Mexi-Fest 
as  well. See the links at the bottom of this page.
It is hard to comprehend that this years event in Indy will be the ninth  
get together. Reading through my FastVair e-mail, I noticed Rick Norris'  
posting of his photos from both the workshops and the Corvair track  events. 
Almost every photo brought back a memory of the persons and  the events, 
although the earlier ones tend to mesh together in my mind. Be  sure to check out 
the photos:
A couple of items really jumped out at me, while going through the photos.  
First, man, we are getting old! And, sorry to say, there were several  
previous attendees that can't return. If you look through the photos, you  may 
be struck that all that knowledge and experience is available for you.  It 
hit me that nowhere else, not on the Internet, not in any book, not in any  
video, is that level of knowledge available. Now, I intend to be fooling  
around with cars and, especially Corvairs, until they bury me, or my kids take  
my keys away and drop me into assisted living. And that may eventually 
happen to  us all, sooner or later, nothing lasts forever. But until then we have 
this  chance, once a year, to meet with friends, ask the questions, answer 
the  questions, share our plans for the season, and decide which events we 
will be  checking out. We can shop through the best display of Corvair 
related  performance hardware around, usually talking with the guy who made the 
part he  is selling, maybe seeing the part installed on his own car on 
display.  The  date of the annual event, late-March, was chosen to be as 
non-interfering as  possible - except maybe for guys who ice-race their Corvairs! It 
might be a  slight interruption of your off-season prep, but it will be worth 
it. Both  Friday's dinner and Saturdays lunch are already firm and an 
additional Saturday  night "celebration" is now finalized. You won't go away 
hungry - for food or  knowledge! The Friday racetours will show the professional 
side  of racing in the Indy area. Several Corvairs are already committed 
for the  Saturday display. We are currently assembling the presentations for 
the Saturday  tech sessions. You won't be disappointed. Come and share your 
knowledge. PS  - It isn't all about racing, either. Lots of Street 
Performance info!
For information on the ninth annual Corvair Performance Workshop,  check 
out the registration web site at: 
_http://www.corvair.org/chapters/pcg/2012PW.htm_ (http://www.corvair.org/chapters/pcg/2012PW.htm)   
Mexi-Fest info
Also, we are once again hosting Mexi-Fest! It's Sat. eve  after the 
workshop. Cost is $5, BYOB including pop. Cups and ice will be  supplied. As 
always, Tracyritas will be served! We are just an hour north of the  workshop. 
It's easier to freeze leftovers than run out!! 
_mlevair at sbcglobal.net_ (mailto:mlevair at sbcglobal.net)  is the  address.

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