<VV> swapping Caveman engine

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Thu Mar 8 16:51:36 EST 2012

Hi Cliff,

There must be a reference of changes to do swaps, but perhaps not.  Here's my thumbnail:

 - Any basic Corvair engine will go in any Corvair.
 - The edge sheet metal shrouds and rear engine bracket need to match the body.  I don't know if the '60 parts are unique, but I'd guess so.  140s in earlies require trimming the side shrouds.
 - Bellhousing should match the crank and transmission types.
 - Exhaust is dependent on the body and the exhaust manifolds.  Some fiddling/fabrication may be required.
 - Air cleaner assemblies generally go with the engine, but may also require fiddling/fabrication.  '65 and earlier a/c installations require the twin air filters.
 - '60 requires the correct starter.

Other thoughts?


On Mar 8, 2012, at 11:59 AM, Cliff Tibbitts wrote:

> This has no doubt been covered a gazillion times, but here goes.  I recently
> came across someone in my area that has a 1960 with a seized engine.  He
> claims to have a running 63 that he wants to put in the car.   What I know
> about the cavemen, you could write on the back of a matchbook cover.  Could
> someone give me a heads up about the various differences between the two
> engines.  Specifically, can the 63 be mated to the 60 transmission?  Aren't
> the starters different?  The engine tins, etc?  Is the 63 block similar
> enough to the 60 that the peripheral pieces like bell housing, engine tin,
> etc be transferred from one to the other?  In short can it work and how
> difficult would it be?

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