<VV> Corvair on CBS this Sunday

Vairtec Corporation vairtec at comcast.net
Wed Jul 18 21:20:28 EDT 2012

Friends, earlier this week I spent nearly four hours with Lee Cowan from 
CBS Sunday Morning, taping a segment to air this Sunday, July 22, about 
Paul Ingrassia's book "Engines of Change" and the Corvair's place in 
that book. They needed a Corvair expert, but all they got was me!

On the convention blog ( http://corsa2012.blogspot.com/ ) and the CORSA 
Facebook page there is a photo of Lee Cowan with David Main's 1968 
Corvair (and a cameraman setting up to shoot the interior).

Just today the producers asked me for some more Corvair photos. This 
could get interesting!

I slipped in a plug for CORSA and the convention but we'll see whether 
that makes it to the broadcast.

Tune in to CBS this Sunday at 9 AM EDT.

A thank you to CORSA President Jamie Reinhart for steering the NYC-based 
show to me, I live in New Jersey.

(Breaking news or some other unexpected development could push the 
segment to the following Sunday, but right now it is scheduled for this 
Sunday, July 22.)


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