<VV> CORSA Chapters was/Need Help Understanding This
tim mahler
flat6vair2 at comcast.net
Thu Jan 12 20:02:25 EST 2012
A group of people sit around a camp fire, A whispers to B, I like cake. B
tells C, C tells D by the time it gets back to A, Jake is in love with
Congratulations to Maine -- Dirigo Corvairs was allowed become a CORSA
chapter because the chapter plan rules were changed in a way to permit it --
by allowing a CORSA membership count LESS then 10 for a large region such as
Maine. note key words: change, 10 members, chapter.
Does dropping chapters help CORSA and Corvairs ? no.
Does dropping chapter "names" from the list of chapters because the chapter
is inactive/defunct , at least appears to be inactive/defunct help? YES,
because an inactive chapter, if still listed as a chapter -- leads new
members to a void and they walk away from both the national and local clubs,
and maybe Corvairs. Local is defunct, national must be too, may corvairs is
a bad marque to try.....Really, it is a disservice to the prospective member
which is worse than anything. We are here to help each other, not lead each
other astray.
additional comments
Non Member benefit and insurance fee - the $3. A compromise between a flat
chapter fee, requiring 100% membership and simply acccessing the non
members, via the chapter, a fee that covers the expenses that ALL members of
the chapter receives including but not limited to liability insurance.
nothing to do with the above -- beyond being a change and reactiviating the
chapter report filings.
Dropping Chapters -- Section IV second paragraph, last sentence of the
chapter plan -- "as reported on their annual Chapter Report." The report is
nothing more than a roster, chapter officers, name of newsletter, web site,
and CORSA Contact person. Nice to know WHO to talk to when conversing with
a chapter. Been done, to my knowledge, since the 90s.
Comments from CORSA board that I have heard have been IF the chapter doesn't
file a report, or at least attempt to file a report, the chapter must be
inactive, so we, CORSA, might as well drop them from the listing. THAT IS:
IF CORSA doesn't hear from someone, then the chapter must have 0 active
members. (note that hte 4th paragraph starts with "shall be active
organizations" ) Response rate for emails and letters have been spotted.
Emails and Communique notification especially so. Board Member Frank Regal
reported a good response to his letters sent via USPS. Time will tell how
many chapters actually file an annual report. It is really the only way to
verify items 1 (newsletters published) or 2. meetings held. Back to A --
if a local chapter is defunct, and CORSA keeps listing it, CORSA looks bad
but worse, we did a disservice to the member/prospective member in locating
a chapter near her/him.
Tim Mahler
former board member
----- Original Message -----
From: <rbuckridge at comcast.net>
To: "James Davis" <jld at wk.net>
Cc: "Virtual Vairs" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Need Help Understanding This
> Jim, that is exactly the way I read it, from the link you sent earlier.
> Roy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "James Davis" <jld at wk.net>
> To: rbuckridge at comcast.net
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 2:38:02 PM
> Subject: Re: <VV> Need Help Understanding This
> It doesn't. The only continuing chapter requirements are: #1 - $3.00 pre
> member per year to CORSA for chaper members who do not belong to the
> National. #2 - publish a newsletter at least 4 times a year. #3 - Have at
> least four chapter meetings where atleast 25% of the members are present.
> I have started three chapters in my 40 years with CORSA and I have never
> known this to be a requirement.. I sent Harry a e-mail to check just
> incase it is a change in the woodwork.
> Jim Davis
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