<VV> Early Rear Bearings / Long Distance driving

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Sun Jan 8 16:54:23 EST 2012

 And I 
am trying to psyche myself into driving my newest acquisition (a 1964 Corvan 3 
speed, 3.55, 110) to Detroit for the Homecoming. If I don't drive there, I will 
fly. But I will not be driving to Sturbridge but will be attending.
Timothy Shortle in Durango Colorado 81301


AHH  finally showing a little rationale....

See a Shrink  and let them talk you out of driving a Van!

My Bud Daniel M.... drove his super upgraded GB...insulated.. powerwindows, etc..  this last summer..

Guadalajara to Vancouver and back...  says ,  "Not again!"  gg

Matt Nall
Charleston, Oregon


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