<VV> hot motor oil

Ken Clark kcvair at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 5 22:19:29 EST 2012

The Mobil 1 I used was 10w40 as all my Covair oils are and one of the questions was what kind of viscosity will we see when we compare a Mobil 1 oil vs a dino oil when the Corvair engine is at running temp.  Has anyone ever checked to see which might be thinner when drained from a hot engine.  By the way that engine was taken out and replace by the correct designated engine.
Ken C

> To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
> From: patiomatt at aol.com
> Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 20:07:09 -0500
> Subject: Re: <VV> hot motor oil
> Since the motor oil topic came up again I have a question concerning oil when it 
> gets hot(engine running temp Corvair). A few years back I made a 1000 mi. round 
> trip to Helen Ga show. The engine did not use excessive oil, maybe a qt. in 400 
> mi. I was told Mobil 1 was the way to go, so changed to MObil 1 before the 
> trip. Used about 8 qts round trip. A Mobil(expert) tells me that the oil is 
> thin as water and runs right through the engine. My thought is that any oil is 
> thin at engine temp. Changed back to 10W40 Quaker ST. and did not have usage 
> problem. Any thoughts on this situation?
> By the way, everyone(almost) used STP back in the 60's and did you ever take an 
> engine apart that had been using it? I've taken pans off that were covered with 
> 1/2 inch of sludge. I 'm told that was from STP and other additives. Not sure, 
> but know what I've seen.
> Ken C 
> ============================================================
> Ken 400 miles per qt is excessive! Your piston rings are worn..even if no smoke is visible.
> Normal is well over 1,000 miles.
> Then.. saying "Mobil 1" means nothing... it's the weight /s of the oil
> had you used 10w40 M1... it would /should be the same...
> Regardless of what is "Best" for our engines...
> When rings are worn.. thicker is better..
> I remember Joe C. consuming 15 qts' from Mich. to Fla... 5w30
> Told him to start adding 20w50.... only 5 qts. on the way back.. no more smoke...
> Matt Nall
> Charleston, Oregon
> http://tinyurl.com/The-Patio
> http://tinyurl.com/Matts-Tech-Pages
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