<VV> Glovebox lock cylinder

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Sat Feb 4 22:18:29 EST 2012

That's what club meetings are for.

1. Remove glove box lock.
2. Call or email all members to bring their keys to the meeting. Any 
1935 to 1966 GM key!
3. Try all the keys until you find one that fits.
4. Remove cylinder by method shown.
5. Insert key of your choice ( one that matches trunk or ignition) and 
file the tumblers so none stick out with the key inserted.
6. Install cylinder into lock.
7. Install lock into glove box door.

You can leave the meeting and go home after step #4.

Frank DuVal

On 2/4/2012 9:58 PM, James Cooper wrote:
>   <snip>
>> Push down on the glove box J-hook, then push the key forward to depress the
>> button into the lock barrel and turn the key clockwise. That releases the
>> lock mechanism from the barrel.
> <snip>  Problem is that the key won't turn the lock.  Someone has evidently put a lock from a different car on the glovebox door.  It is in the unlocked position at least.

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