<VV> what is this part?

Marc Marcoulides hharpo at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 10 19:30:13 EST 2012

I would guess that is a smog engine, maybe 1967 and somebody doing smog repairs about 1975 just went nuts with AIR equipt. I am no expert.

-----Original Message-----
>From: John Lucke <jryonlucke at gmail.com>
>Sent: Dec 10, 2012 4:21 PM
>To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Subject: <VV> what is this part?
>There's an engine compartment photo with ebay item 190711548864, showing
>two little gadgets on the air cleaner cross-over tube between the filter
>housing and the carburetors, with air or vacuum lines going to them. I've
>taken apart a lot of A.I.R. smog Corvairs, and even have a cross-over tube
>with raised flats where these gadgets are, but I've never seen these
>before. What are they?
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