<VV> Display Awards
Bill Hubbell
whubbell at verizon.net
Sat Aug 18 18:09:46 EDT 2012
Any award, no matter how crappy, would be better than what was given to the 80+ folks who registered for the 1998 Concours at the St Louis convention.
Bill Hubbell
On Aug 18, 2012, at 12:54 PM, John Howell <32chevy at 0306.org> wrote:
> Easy now Cliff, those awards did look kind of crappy. You need to
> understand that with that many cars entered paying $10 each someone made
> some money on that!
> I paid $10 and then was not able to take my vehicle, probably some
> others did too. The Detroit Convention was the last convention that
> treated the "Peoples Choice" or
> "Car Display" as they now call it with much respect, these people are
> proud of their cars too and they are the larger group paying dues to
> keep this national club afloat but
> they have been put to the back of the line. This was a national event
> and the awards should have looked like a national award, no something
> from an elementary school event!
> Cliff you probably have not been a CORSA member long enough to remember
> when things were different.
> John Howell
> On 8/17/2012 10:46 PM, Cliff Tibbitts wrote:
>> Jeez, here we go again. And you wonder why not a single club on the West
>> Coast put in a bid for 2014? At this rate we will soon be paying a third
>> party to host our conventions if we even have one at all.
>> Go ahead CORSA. By all means do replace these awards with something more
>> "suitable." Then as mentioned by others, please post the names of the
>> "victims." I, like others, would like to contribute something to help
>> soothe their damaged egos. Let me know where I can send my $0.50 to help
>> start that fund.
>> Flame suit on! Off the pedestal and back on the meds!
>> Cliff Tibbitts
>> Lexington, KY
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