<VV> 63 Monza on Google Maps
Karl Haakonsen (cityhawk@pobox.com)
karlhaakonsen at comcast.net
Thu Apr 12 04:56:34 EDT 2012
Interestingly enough, when I went to my address (43 Prospect Ave, Roslindale, MA) I found my Corvair (under cover in the driveway) when rotating the cam.... the scenery looks summer or early fall-like. Then when I saw the picture of my 2001 Saturn wagon without the Yakima RocketBox on the roof (which has been there permanently since the birth of the first of my two toddlers in 2009) I realized that this was an old picture indeed. I can't tell from the surroundings how old, but definitely before July of 2009. My other Saturn wagon isn't there, so I guess I wasn't home when the picture was taken. Anybody know how often these pictures get updated?
Karl in Boston
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Hughes" <corvairdad at gmail.com>
To: "chuck mckinley" <cmckinley313 at verizon.net>
Cc: "VirtualVairs AA" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:14:15 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> 63 Monza on Google Maps
My daughter's '61 Monza appears on Google Map's street view parked in
front of my neighbor's house at 607 Winans Way, 21229. Anyone else
find their cars on Google Maps?
Tom in Baltimore
On 4/11/12, chuck mckinley <cmckinley313 at verizon.net> wrote:
> Friends,
> A Google Maps "street view" camera car did a loop through our
> neighborhood this morning just as I was leaving the house, and it passed
> about 15 feet in front of me, just the other side of my '63 Monza 900
> parked at the curb. Presumably the next time Google updates their street
> view database, the Monza (and I) will be visible, front and center. Look
> for the address 711 Emerald Court, Newport News, VA. It should be pretty
> obvious. Black car, old guy in blue jeans and bright yellow jacket.
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