<VV> Clutchless shifting - clutches are for amateurs ;>}~?

Charles Lee chaz at properproper.com
Wed Apr 11 00:49:03 EDT 2012

Never did this regularly with a Corvair, but when I started a 700 mile trip
at 4 AM from Chapel Hill  (NC) to NYC, my Audi's clutch cable broke.

I stalled her, and to limp it (uphill) back into the driveway, I tried to
crank it uphill (did that once before to save a "state towing fee" and,
yeah, not a good idea, but I wanted to get it out of the road) ~ but to my
surprise, she started! ~ in gear !

Long story short, I decided to see if I could get her to my friend's place
to fix it, and it was so easy to shift, I decided to try for NY.

Guess what? I made it all the way, with only a bit of judicious "pacing" to
"bounce" through a few toll booths (exact change in hand), and even managed
Southern State Pkwy rush hour traffic.

Put about another 10K on her before I decided to opt for a new cable (which
despite Audi's $500 estimate, took less than an hour)

I think Matt said it best, that it takes a bit of judicious familiarity with
the RPMs, and I don't know what damage it did to synchros, but it got me
where I was going, so all was good.

I could do with my Corvair, but I wouldn't ~ I love my Corvair (even the one
that I'm "restoring"), but my Audi, not so much (although she served me


-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Matt Nall
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 8:13 PM
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: Re: <VV> clutchless shifting

Besides, Matt...

What happened to your spirit of independence.  I've not known you to shrink 
from "inventing" something to solve a problem.
Later, JR


 I have Hagerty....  40 minutes max...and after 5 years with no tow....
"unlimited towing"

Hope that lasts!! ggg

And anything UNDER the car gets fixed on my rack..at home...in comfort...

Matt Nall
Charleston, Oregon

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