<VV> promoting the Corvair hobby among younger people
Ramon Rodriguez III
corvairgrymm at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 15:10:56 EDT 2011
Hello all,
I first joined VV over 7 years ago I think, possibly during my
ownership of my second Corvair. At that time I knew almost nothing about
the Corvair and my automotive mechanic skills were very limited. Thanks to
many of the folks on this list I started to learn... and my interest grew.
Nowadays there isn't a single Corvair repair that I won't give a shot. I've
made every repair to my own cars (all Corvairs) myself for at least the last
4 years. Again, thanks to this list and corvaircorsa.com I started to learn
more about the history of the Corvair and found it fascinating. I've since
been doing everything I can to learn more.
Now that I am very familiar with both Corvair mechanicals and history I
have finally found myself in a position where I am not always the student,
but often the teacher. I know that CORSA membership as well as the Corvair
hobby in general is on the decline, and that most feel we need a way to get
more younger people involved.
I'm considering going up to the local high school (from which I
graduated just over 13 years ago) and exploring the possibility of giving a
presentation to the "auto mechanics" and "auto body" classes. I would focus
primarily on the aspects of the Corvair most likely to appeal to young
people... things like Corvairs modified for performance, Yenko Stingers,
Fitch Sprints, turbo Corvairs, and Corvair autocross events.
I've been pretty successful in creating an interest in Corvairs among
my friends, my three closest friends would very much like to own Corvairs.
The problem is that like me they are on very tight budgets but unlike me
they are not willing to go hungry for for the love of Corvairs =) I also
think it would be great if we could have some cheap Corvairs donated to high
school shop classes anywhere and everywhere possible... hopefully
accompanied by a little presentation of the kind I intend to give here in my
area. Maybe some of those $500 Corvairs that we've all seen for sale could
be donated to the school for a tax deduction? I know I've purchased two for
$500 or less in the past couple of years that would have been great
candidates for a shop class like the one I took in high school.
So what do you think? Any ideas for content to present?
Ray "Grymm" Rodriguez
Lake Ariel, PA
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