<VV> Is the Volt the new Corvair?
Steven J. Serenska
corvair at serenska.com
Wed Nov 30 08:32:11 EST 2011
> Please remember that every time someone reads this guys article.....
> he gets PAID!!
> Most likely why it is written the way it is.... imo
> Still, I posted a comment!!! gg
> Matt Nall
> Charleston, Oregon
Matt raises an interesting point. To paraphrase Matt's words, if we all
encourage each other to read this article and comment, this sneering
knucklehead author benefits from our outrage because he's getting paid
by the click.
This concept intrigued me, so I did a little research. I signed up to
be a Yahoo! contributor. I read the contracts, payment terms, etc. and
think I understand how it works. Yahoo! makes it difficult but, as near
as I can figure, the author of a piece like this earns $0.0015 per view
(see the table at http://contributor.yahoo.com/help/popup/?help_id=818).
I know the comments at the bottom of this guy's article don't equate to
views, but at the time I visited the article, there were 172 comments.
Just from those people alone, this moron has earned twenty six cents.
There's an old retailers' adage that "for every customer who makes a
comment, there are 10 who don't." If this is true, that means the guy
has earned about $2.58 so far for page views of the article. Meh; He's
not getting rich.
I was actually pleased by the broad range of voices in the comments
area. We VVers do our best to correct the public's misconceptions, but
somehow it seems more authentic when people like "Turf Fergy" chime in
and say "I had a Corvair, it was great! Reliable too."
I think we should all read the article, make judicious and sober
comments (because people do read those), and not let it bother us. This
sniveling, superior, misinformed dope of an author (and that's being
kind) isn't making a ton of money. I say it's more important to correct
him than to risk paying him.
FWIW, this stupid idiot is lucky I didn't run across him spouting off
like that at some cocktail party. I'm only on my first cup of coffee,
but here's how I think the conversation might go:
Dipwad Author: "A head-on collision usually ended up with the other car
in your lap and your torso impaled on your own steering wheel."
Me: "'USUALLY?' What do you mean 'USUALLY?' Greater than 50% of the
time? Do you know how many Corvairs were made? 1.7 Million! If over
50% of the collisions of those 1.7 million vehicles resulted in the
driver being impaled by his own steering wheel, don't you think GM would
have long ago gone the way of the Asbestos manufacturers due to all the
negligence lawsuits? Please say specifically what you mean by
'Usually'! And If you don't mean anything by it, please don't use the
word. Ever. Again."
Me: (staring and breathing heavily, sorta like a bull before he charges)
My Girlfriend: ("I think it's time for us to leave now. Please get my
Steven "somewhat more calm in his old age" Serenska
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