<VV> PG accelerator pump adjustment
corvairduval at cox.net
corvairduval at cox.net
Thu Nov 17 18:45:21 EST 2011
I do not recall seeing any two hole pump levers on Rochester H or HV carbs.
They may be on some, but not the last 20 or so carbs I have cleaned,
several of which are PG Corvairs.
I HAVE seen them on other carbs used on non-Corvair applications. Always
put link in wollowed out hole to start!
The idea to swap out these carbs with known good carbs is a great idea. I
have diagnosed many a car with this method. Answers the carb question right
away. As long as you run the car with the test carbs long enough to get the
carbs running on the fuel in the tank. Ask me how I know!
Frank DuVal
Original Message:
From: Ramon Rodriguez III corvairgrymm at gmail.com
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 18:11:25 -0500
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: <VV> PG accelerator pump adjustment
Hello all,
I'm still fighting with that stumble on acceleration in the 63 despite
changing the entire ignition system and now even the whole engine and
accessories. The only thing I can think of that hasn't been changed is the
carbs... so I'm looking there for the cause.
Tonight driving the car I tried accelerating from a stop with a few very
fast pumps of the pedal to get multiple squirts from the accel pumps and it
seemed to work much better. The car now idles beautifully and runs well
once it is rolling, but still has that nasty hesitation when leaving a red
light or stop sign.
I broke out my "Carburetor Training Program" booklet and went to the
section on adjusting the accel pumps... and noticed something I had somehow
overlooked before.
>From the booklet: "On Powerglide applications using a two hole pump lever,
setting is made with the pump rod in the outer hole. After adjustment is
made move rod to inner hole". Now the carbs I'm running are 65 up carbs,
and probably not from a Powerglide car... they do not have "a two hole pump
lever". If I go digging through my "core" carbs I might be able to find
some, I think the carbs that came with this car are there somewhere... what
are the chances this is my problem?
If this isn't my solution I'm going to swap on the primary carbs from my
Corsa (known good) to verify that the problem is in fact in the carbs
before going any further.
Ray "Grymm" Rodriguez
Lake Ariel, PA
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