<VV> Towing - NOT Corvair

James Davis jld at wk.net
Thu Nov 10 19:47:31 EST 2011

No as much fun as an 18 year old driving a half-full 5,000 gallon milk 
truck to the Carnation Plant in a thunderstorm.
Jim Davis

On 11/10/2011 6:28 PM, Byron Comp wrote:
> Ray and others,
> I've had the same kind of experiences, on ice and snow and also with 
> an overloaded dump trailer. But that's not to say overheated 
> truck/trailer brakes aren't a common problem; they are. That's one of 
> the reasons for the "runaway truck" ramps you see on most major 
> highways with a long downgrade. 

> Byron Comp '64 Monza Vert. Gainesville, FL 

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