<VV> possible Bohunk award, need advice

Ramon Rodriguez III corvairgrymm at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 19:47:35 EDT 2011

Hiya all,

     Given the decision to take the head off one side of the 63's engine
I've decided to swap the engine from the 62 into that car so it can
continue to provide daily transportation for Missy.

     Currently I've got both drivetrains out sitting side by side.  I need
to install some gaskets and new push tube seals on the 62 engine tonight
before I install it into the 63.  Here is where I goofed.  In taking the
drivetrain out of the 62 I failed to rotate the powerglide kickdown arm
fully counter clockwise.  I moved it counterclockwise only as far as could
be done with the arm going up to the carb linkage still in place instead of
removing that arm and rotating it all the way (it was my first time and I
was in a hurry, typical dumb move).  So the shifter cable was rather
forcibly ripped from the powerglide with the kickdown arm in the wrong
position.. the weight of the drivetrain coming down as I lowered the jack
is what did it.

     I saw the cable that I thought was disconnected holding the drivetrain
up for a moment before it let go and thought to myself "that didn't look
good".  So before repeating the same procedure on the 63 I re-read the
manual and saw that it said both arms had to be disconnected for the arm to
rotate far enough counterclockwise to remove the cable.  I removed the
drivetrain from the 63 nice and smooth.. without screwing anything up.

     So can anyone tell me what the odds are that I didn't screw up things
inside the PG that the cable got yanked out of?  I figure it's probably a
given, but is there a way I can test it (the cables are both in cars so not
readily available for a test fit) or visually check it?

     Since I guess it's probably a sure thing that I screwed it up I guess
I'm going to have to swap the transmission off the 63 engine onto the 62
engine...  more work that I shouldn't have had to do.  Can anyone tell me
how easy or difficult a fix this is going to be assuming I damaged it?
Just for a touch of info the ball on the end of the cable that got ripped
out is still there, though it does have a pretty good gouge cut into it.

Ray "Grymm" Rodriguez
Lake Ariel, PA

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