<VV> Bumper Sticker seen - No vair
shortle556 at earthlink.net
Mon May 30 23:22:42 EDT 2011
Saw this 1 recently in NM. "Live simply so others can simply live". Makes sense.
Timothy Shortle in Durango Colorado 81301
-----Original Message-----
>From: Sethracer at aol.com
>Sent: May 30, 2011 12:36 PM
>To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Subject: <VV> Bumper Sticker seen - No vair
>Very few bumper stickers really make you think. They are intended to
>quickly communicate an opinion or a challenge to the following car's driver or
>occupant. But I saw one yesterday that, in order to understand it, you had to
> have a grasp (however tenuous) of some physics.
>This sticker was white lettering on a bright red background. It read:
> "If this sticker looks BLUE to you, you are driving too fast".
>Then a note reading "American Physical Society". Okay it took me a moment
>to kind of figure out what it meant. Think red shift and blue shift. Or
>just look it up. Then you can chuckle.
>I hope you are enjoying a nice holiday today. - Seth Emerson
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