<VV> mystery smoke

Dennis Pleau dpleau at wavecable.com
Wed Mar 16 12:22:37 EDT 2011

There is a an open wire resistor in the defroster duct to drop the voltage
for the two slower blower motor speeds.  Something got on that resistor and
smoldered.  Not all that unusual.  

The Burst-O-Fuzz option is when some of the insulation from the heater box
comes loose and blows out the defrosters vents.  


-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Ray Rodriguez III
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 8:56 AM
To: Virtual Vairs
Subject: <VV> mystery smoke

Hello all,

     Yesterday while driving the 63' Monza coupe a small but steady stream
of smoke started pouring out from the right side defroster vent.  At the
time the heat was on, but the defroster was off.  The smoke had no distinct
smell that I noticed.

     I had no fire extinguisher on board and was just a couple of minutes
from a gas station where I figured I'd be likely to find one so I kept
driving and just opened a window.  Before I made it to the gas station the
smoke stopped.  There is no sign of any trouble or damage and everything
works fine.  I've driven the car (now with extinguisher!) short distances
several times since with no problems.  I've looked up under the dash and saw
nothing unusual.  

     The engine does have typical oil leaks.  I recently (about a month ago)
had the bottom shrouds off and cleaned them pretty thoroughly, last summer I
had the top shroud off and cleaned under there and the car has not been
sitting for any long period of time since.  

     Any ideas?

Ray "Grymm" Rodriguez III

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