<VV> FW: Jerry N.
Bob Dunahugh
yenko108 at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 13 23:02:33 EST 2011
Some of you may have meet Jerry. Thought you might like to see this. A very special person. Bob Dunahugh
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 10:34:19 -0800
From: tkrolling at yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Jerry N.
To: denise_arras at yahoo.com
CC: dblschmelling at gmail.com; bmitchell at cfu.net; henderson920 at aol.com; yenko108 at hotmail.com; obcurrier at mchsi.com; Bribecs2 at aol.com; monza67 at aol.com; denise_arras at yahoo.com; dmuhlena at yahoo.com; eprosise at hotmail.com; jtreinhart at omnitelcom.com; gnafziger1288 at msn.com; bears_corvairs at msn.com; kraye001 at umn.edu; joncrisman at msn.com; kal_baconneggs at yahoo.com; deltainc at grm.net; qqww3 at yahoo.com; iad507 at mchsi.com; pedalplane at imonmail.com; wackcor23 at msn.com; Michael.Mueller at pepsico.com; iakcfan1 at yahoo.com; mjsvair at q.com; ray-mary225 at msn.com; rpllaw at gmail.com; vairhead63 at hotmail.com; vairbuggy63 at yahoo.com; teshep at marshallnet.com; spurkill at imonmail.com; joetown1 at netins.net; waydongra at wmconnect.com
Thanks DeniseIt's our hope this year we get one of our e mail addresses on the distribution list. The one listed here is a really old one of John's. We understand, hard to keep up on stuff Our contact info: John: ssvairnut at yahoo.com Teresa tkrolling at yahoo.com or JTVairs.com for our website
Guys, I posted a little tribute on YouTube. I'm doing another one that includes Bob Henderson and a little of Chuck Armer. I had some neat photos. See you all on Saturday. Anyone that wants a disc of photos, I'll bring extra to the party to give away. John &
From: Denise Arras <denise_arras at yahoo.com>
To: theresa rolling <tkrolling at yahoo.com>
Sent: Thu, January 13, 2011 12:18:16 PM
Subject: Fw: Jerry N.
wanted to makesure you got this.. saw johns email on there
--- On Thu, 1/13/11, Prosise Eric C <ProsiseEricC at JohnDeere.com> wrote:
From: Prosise Eric C <ProsiseEricC at JohnDeere.com>
Subject: Jerry N.
To: "Bill and Deb Schmelling" <dblschmelling at gmail.com>, "Bill and Kathy Mitchell" <bmitchell at cfu.net>, "Bob and Dorothy Henderson" <henderson920 at aol.com>, "Bob and Linda Dunahugh" <yenko108 at hotmail.com>, "Brenda and Owen Currier" <obcurrier at mchsi.com>, "Brian and Becky Steele" <Bribecs2 at aol.com>, "Chuck Prosise" <monza67 at aol.com>, "Dan and Denise Arras" <denise_arras at yahoo.com>, "Dave Muhlena" <dmuhlena at yahoo.com>, "Eric Prosise" <eprosise at hotmail.com>, "Jamie Reinhart" <jtreinhart at omnitelcom.com>, "Jerry and Doris Nafzinger" <gnafziger1288 at msn.com>, "Jerry Hauber" <bears_corvairs at msn.com>, "Jodi Prosise" <kraye001 at umn.edu>, "John Miller" <jncmiller at mchsi.com>, "Jon Crisman"
<joncrisman at msn.com>, "Kalvin Bacon" <kal_baconneggs at yahoo.com>, "Ken Campbell" <deltainc at grm.net>, "Lee Keuter" <qqww3 at yahoo.com>, "Mark and Amy Dagitz" <iad507 at mchsi.com>, "Marv and Cathy Hoppenworth" <pedalplane at imonmail.com>, "Merv Wacker" <wackcor23 at msn.com>, "Michael Mueller" <Michael.Mueller at pepsico.com>, "Michael Strong" <iakcfan1 at yahoo.com>, "Mike and Jackie Squires" <mjsvair at q.com>, "Ray and Mary Collins" <ray-mary225 at msn.com>, "Ray Lough" <rpllaw at gmail.com>, "Richard and Marjorie Lind" <vairhead63 at hotmail.com>, "Robert Platte" <vairbuggy63 at yahoo.com>, "Terry Shepard" <teshep at marshallnet.com>, "Todd Koutney" <spurkill at imonmail.com>, "Walley Brenneman" <joetown1 at netins.net>, "Wayne and Donna Gratton" <waydongra at wmconnect.com>
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2011, 11:13 AM
For those that were not on Merv’s list:
“All: Sadly I must report to you that Jerry passed away this morning (Thurs 1/13) at 2:30 AM. But it is a relief for Doris and the children to know that Jerry is not suffering anymore, and is with his maker. The visitation will be held from 3:00 -8:00 PM Saturday 1/15 at the Mennonite Church, and the services being held Sunday at 2:00 PM also at the Mennonite Church. There will be a 1 hour viewing prior to the service. The Mennonite Church is located at 405 Myrtle Ave. If you know Iowa City, Myrtle Ave. is located South of the main street going up to the U of I hospital, football field, etc. off of Riverside Dr. There is a stop light at Burlington St. (which turns into Grand Ave. at the intersection) with Riverside Dr. Continue South from Burlington St. approx. 2-3 on blocks on Riverside Dr.
to Myrtle Ave. and turn West (only one way to turn) (if you turn East, you will end up in the river) and go to the top of the hill to the Church. There is a convenience store/pizza joint at the corner, and a Dairy Queen across the street on Riverside. It is Doris' hope that the banquet will go on as scheduled. Merv'
All: I should have mentioned that Riverside Dr. is also US Hwy. 6 - sorry. Merv'
We plan to continue with the banquet as planned – it is Doris’ wish.
Eric Prosise
Supplier Quality Engineer
John Deere Cylinder Division
909 River Drive
Moline, IL 61265
+1 309-765-7096 Desk
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