<VV> tires
Ken Pepke
kenpepke at juno.com
Wed Jan 5 07:42:00 EST 2011
> From: Ken Pepke <kenpepke at juno.com>
> Date: January 5, 2011 7:35:19 AM EST
> To: virtualvairs at corvair.or
> Subject: Re: <VV> tires
> Sure, the load rating referenced to the tire pressure is cast into the tire sidewall. As I am no longer at work I no longer have access to the charts ... but, charts there are! There was a day when 32 psi was the standard for load rating; 35 psi is also used today. The charts show load rating both above and below that number. And speed is a factor also as demonstrated in other charts where the faster a tire is run the less load it can carry. The numbers vary not only between manufacturers but within tire models from the same manufacturer.
> As far as running the front tires on a Corvair under the rated psi making the load capacity less than rated, one should remember the reason for the lower pressure is because there is less load in the first place. If you have a 'Rampy' and are panning to make it 'work' for its living by carrying a really heavy load, go ahead and increase the load carrying capacity of those rear tires by increasing the psi by 5 or 10 or ?
> I am sure most tire manufacturers would not recommend setting tire pressure by the size of the footprint. There are just too many variables in tire various design and materials; the results would most likely cause excessive wear of the outside edges. The lower wear rate of the center of the tire would indicate less than maximum traction effort of that portion of the tread.
> The best feel of 'handling,' for the most part, has to do with driver preference. But low pressure will also increase heat build up. Yes, there are charts demonstrating that also. On the street, cooler is generally better; in racing tires heat build up is essential ... at least to a limit.
> Ken P
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: HallGrenn at aol.com
>> Date: January 4, 2011 9:30:12 PM EST
>> To: n5hsr at sprynet.com, hmlinc at sbcglobal.net, MarPack57 at aol.com, virtualvairs at corvair.org
>> Subject: Re: <VV> tires
>> In a message dated 1/4/2011 8:25:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>> n5hsr at sprynet.com writes:
>> 2. Most tires are rated at 32 or 35 psi these days so you're going to
>> lose
>> about half your rating in front and 1/4 or so in the rear.
>> Charles,
>> I've never heard or read that tire load capacity is proportionally related
>> to tire pressure. A tire's pressure range is critical for load, bead
>> sealing etc.--but I've never seen any data that shows the load capacity varying
>> by the direct ratios you quoted. The load itself affects pressure to some
>> degree.
>> Bob Hall
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