<VV> old Corvair videos

Rick Norris ricknorris at suddenlink.net
Wed Feb 16 06:48:43 EST 2011

Here are two things to remember about posting video to U-tube or anywhere 

Edit out all the mistakes and anything that does not add to the story. I 
will do a rough edit the, go back and take a closer look for the finale cut.

You Tube likes to keep it under 15 minutes. Thats why some videos are in two 
or more parts.

There are any number of free simple editing programs out there. Also, just 
because it has tons of special effects don't try to use all of them.
If people notice the effects then the video is lost to them.
You tube will convert the video when uploaded to their format. The longer 
the video the longer it takes to upload.

I have been using a free version of DIVX to do simple editing. You Tube 
likes this program also. I have used Microsoft Movie Maker which came with 
most PC computer software but, they dropped it with Windows 7 and no longer 
support it.

Rick Norris
#36 Sunoco Corvair

> Maybe with a little luck, I will find some time this weekend and see about
> converting the Nader Speech to digital format.
> Will let you all know how that works out.
> I never uploaded anything to utube either.
> So there will be a learning curve to deal with.
> Gary Swiatowy

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