<VV> Lowering Early

Smitty vairologist at cox.net
Sun Feb 6 20:36:29 EST 2011

>> At this point this is purely hypothetical, I'm just sitting here thinking
>> about one of my (relatively far off) future Corvair builds and I was
>> wondering....  What can be done, or might be able to be done, to achieve 
>> a
>> fairly drastically lowered early model Corvair, specifically without
>> having the rear wheels sitting at odd angles?
Smitty Says;  Ray turn your thinking upside down and start thinking this 
way.  What can be done to raise the engine and drive train up into the body 
of an Early?  If you are commited to having near 0 Degrees camber in back 
that is the only way you can do it.  I'm sure if you actually look at the 
situation, as I have you will realize you would be biting off a huge chunk 
to accomplish raising the engine a measley 2 inches for an equal ride height 

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